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unleashing our clients’ potential by maximising the innovation.



Secure and profitable logistics investments. Grow your capital with global trade. Expand your portfolio in a thriving industry.


Car Trading

High-return vehicle trading opportunities. Invest in a thriving automobile market. Benefit from a fast-moving, high-demand sector.



Sustainable and profitable farming investments. Support food production and agribusiness. Contribute to an essential, growing industry.

Real Estate

Real Estate

Lucrative property development and sales. Build wealth through real estate investments. Capitalize on high-value properties in key locations.

Goods Supply

Goods Supply

Sustainable and profitable farming investments. Support food production and agribusiness. Contribute to an essential, growing industry.

New Technology

New Technology

Cutting-edge innovations for high returns. Invest in the future of technology. Stay ahead with advancements in tech-driven markets.

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    +1 (713) 398-3019

    Why Choose ZCIG?

    Questions? You’re covered.

    The minimum investment amount varies depending on the selected package. However, we offer flexible options to accommodate different financial capacities. Contact us to learn more about our investment plans.

    Investors can expect a minimum of 50% return within 6 to 12 months, depending on the investment sector and market conditions. Our team ensures transparency and strategic management for optimal returns.

    Yes, ZCIG prioritizes financial security and transparency. We implement risk management strategies, conduct in-depth market research, and partner with industry leaders to safeguard your investments.

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